Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife. Wait, No, Just Hide The Kids

I can't believe I missed it during the last Holiday season: the fucking Pope - the one in service right now who looks like the evil Emperor from the Star Wars films, Pope Benedict XVI - claimed pedophilia was just a sign of the times, that it was ''fully in conformity with man and children''.

This, from the same man who said:
laws which legalize same-sex marriage contribute to the weakening of the principles of natural law,” and to “confusion about society’s values,” and claimed that same-sex marriage “attacks” the “endangered species” that is mankindEven before he was elected Pope, he knew of the pedophile priest sex abuse scandalyet did not act.
Jesus fucking Christ.

It's no wonder some are attempting (uselessly, I'm afraid) to have him answer for The Church's crimes and opinions.

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