Thursday, March 3, 2011

Video Of The Week: Soundgazer

A friend of a friend, Voytek Iwasiuk from Toronto, has a musical project called Soundgazer. It's danceable industrial, the song in this video - Stay The Same - gives a pretty good idea of what you should expect, although it's certainly the catchiest.

The video is chock-full of decent (if over-used in the genre) ideas if you can get past the (typically Canadian) low production value. There are a few shots I would have worked on longer and made tighter, and I could also do without the pretend drum and guitar playing, but it makes for ok TV. The band's name is also pretty generic, and after Soundgarden, having so many letters in common with another band reeks of having little imagination, kind of like if someone named their band Pearl Jabsters, Black Sabbatical, Radioheed-And-Cambria or Mudhorny.

On the other hand, give these guys a year and half the budget of a Nine Inch Nails record or a Marilyn Manson video and I'm sure they could come out with something that would be, if not mind-blowing, then at least excellent. One would think.

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