Monday, May 4, 2009

Joe The Plumber Talks - Again

Anyone remember Joe The Plumber, whose actual name is Samuel Wurzelbacher?

I still don't understand why he almost became an issue in the last American federal elections. Oh, I get why the Sarah Palins and Redneck Nation in general loved him, he represents them at their retarded best. But why the general media, who had just re-grown a pair of balls after almost a decade of tucking them at the back of their collective thongs, gave him air time just blows me away.

Anyhow, here he is again. A whore for anything that records his words and takes his picture, he decided it was smart to answer a Q&A with Christianity Today. Uh huh. Can't you just smell it?

Sample quote:
I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children.
Oh, yeah. Apparently, Joe The Genius doesn't see the difference between gays and pedophiles. Men who want to be with men are the same as men who force little boys and little girls into doing terrible things that will affect them for life.

He doesn't seem to realize he is more 'at risk' with his gay friends than his kids are. He confuses Gloria Gaynor and Michael Jackson. A genius, I tell you.

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