Here's the context: when I was hired in 2001, I was promised more money than at my then-place of employment, Createc +, pending I succeeded passing through a 3-month probation period. Which I did. Except when it came time, the person who'd hired me had been fired herself, and her replacement ''was not aware'' of our arrangement, and couldn't ''find my contract'' anywhere. Nine years went by and they're closing down my complete division, of which I am supervisor and field director. Low-level boss of sorts. And, just now, for the last two weeks of my time there, I finally get a raise that puts me even higher than what was initially promised. Except all my employees get a $300 severance cheque, and I get zilch. ''But you just got a raise'', they said, one that will give me a whopping $120 more than if I hadn't - meaning I'm still losing out on $180 compared to everyone else.
So they have fucked me for the last time. But fucked me they have, ''in the butt'', as Samwell would say.
Born and raised in South Carolina, Samwell graduated from university in North Carolina before moving to Chicago, IL. Marion Cotillard
This is the #10 top-rated video of all time on YouTube, the sixth most favorited music video - 12th most favorited video period. The message is universal: LOVE, as in ''I used to LOVE working for my employer, until I'd had enough of them wanting to do it in my butt (in my butt)''.
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