Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(In)coherent Thoughts

I don't make mistakes, I make bad decisions.

I can't live on regretting the past, dwelling on it... life is a line that's always moving forward. Whether you like it or not, want to or not, are on it or not. Its escalator never breaks down, though you might.

Actually, you likely will. People do, they break, they crack; sometimes they don't see the next day come to pass.

As a species, we've been on the planet for thousands of years. As individuals, it is unrealistic to even entertain the thought that the 30-100 years we'll be on the planet will affect anyone but our measely little selves. Think about it: every loss, every death, every heartbreak: all gotten over, over time - and days, weeks or years can go by without the mere thought of them entering your mind.

Sure, we should all enjoy our lives as much as we can. Just because it/we don't mean anything in the Grand Scheme of things doesn't mean we should suffer throughout our existence. But as long as we will feel the need to get close to other humans, pain will be felt.

But pain leads to drinking, and drinking leads to new acquaintances. Circle of Life, and all, and all's well that ends well. When it ends. Well...

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