And Snoop Dogg
The song is pretty much the West Coast's answer to previous Video Of The Week Jay-Z's and Alicia Keys' Empire State Of Mind, where they replace the grittiness and neon lights with candy, pastels and sunshine, and they chose the right ambassadors for it, although the song itself is not up to par, in my opinion. Sure, at least it's pretty much free of autotune, which is pretty much a blessing in itself, but my ears are still bleeding from its pseudo-techno/90s dance sounds from when I last heard the song almost a week ago.
In any event, there's no escaping this fucking song, so no point in trying. YouTube it here; they don't allow me to embed it here.
Maybe I should have boycotted it for that reason alone. Meh, too late, I wrote the blurb. Here are
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