Friday, August 6, 2010

Playing Robert Pattinson

No, I haven't seen the Twilight movies, and hopefully I never will have to. I haven't read the books either, but that's because I'm still reading things I haven't read from my favourite authors: William S. Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bukowski, Paul Éluard, Daniel Pennac, and a slew of others that get in the way.

But Kristen Stewart is in town filming On The Road, directed by Walter Salles, based on the Jack Kerouac book of the same name (who many don't know is actually of Quebecer origin - although he never lived here himself, proper - both of his parents being natives of La Belle Province - he even initially started On The Road in Quebec French!).

Now, I was never a fan of Stewart's (again, not a Twilightee), but I'd seen a few films she was in, such as The Cake Eaters and The Messengers - typical ''meh'' Hollywood fare. But her turn as Joan Jett in The Runaways was fucking dead-on. Flawless. Perfect.

And since Megan Fox is taken (just kidding! just adding to my readership count again!)... maybe I could take on acting myself, play her boyfriend, film a love-making scene... just for fun.

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