Monday, March 7, 2011

Orgasm School

(my apologies, the video from this website has been disabled for embedding, but check it out anyway)

''Tarnishes the university''?

''Will it lead to kids having orgies after class?'' Jesus fucking Christ. Lady, your kids are already having fucking orgies, and that is not what was happening anyway. It was a seminar that was part of a Psychology of Sexuality class (one I took myself in College, and got a 69 in, of all grades, and I'm guessing I shouldn't mention the videos we watched in that class or you'd kill yourself).

Also, Lady: your kids weren't in that fucking class, it just got to you from hearsay through the usual half-wit news organizations.

Oh, and Lady, they said again and again that if anyone was uncomfortable with what was going to happen, they could leave the fucking room.

2011, people. Not 1811, not even 1955.

Some people believe the world will end in December of next year, others want the rest of us to be bored to death before that even happens.

But the story made the news, all the way to Britain, via the BBC. In addition to everywhere in North America.

In case you're wondering what really happened there, it was a seminar with guests lecturers, mostly about bondage and the psychology behind it, why people do it, etc. The conversation briefly moved to sex toys and instruments, and there was a short demonstration where a woman got her rocks off to a dildo attached to what used to be an electric saw.

That's it. Just googling ''German porn'' and clicking on ''images'' will net you much worse results, and I'm sure every room at Northwestern University has computers and wireless internet, so what the ''kids'' actually saw was tame compared to what they have access to.

I feel like an idiot just writing that. As if, in 2011, this shit was still in doubt. Maybe Mike Huckabee has a shot at the Presidency after all.

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