Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Real Or Fake: Steve Jobs' Last Meeting With Apple

I own an iPod, but the death of Steve Jobs didn't affect me at all. I didn't blog about it, didn't even change my Facebook status to acknowledge him.

If the CEO of Halliburton, or Sears, or JC Penney dies, I'll probably feel the same: huge loss for friends and families, doesn't change a thing for me. At all.

What I'm interested in, however, are videos like this one:

Shocking Video From Steve Jobs' Last Business Meeting from The Final Edition on Vimeo.

If it were real, it would show a man incapable of making the huge decisions he is mandated - and paid - to make, and since Apple is listed in the stock market, the stockholders should be aware of this fact, and they most probably weren't.

Instead, he spews gibberish before fainting and falling off his chair, prompting others in the boardroom meeting to panic and call for help.

But there is at least one website who claims this was a hoax.

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