Monday, July 16, 2012

Hey, It's ''That Guy''

We've all done it while watching a movie - ''Hey, it's that guy, I love him''! I studied in film (3 goddamn degrees from 4 different schools!) and sometimes can't remember some of the best supporting actors' names...

Lucky for us, someone at BuzzFeed made a list (you know how lists go, they're imperfect by nature) of the 25 best ''that guy'' actors...

Some freakiness is contained, as there are lookalikes in the bunch (24 and 25, 18 and 19 with maybe 16 although he looks more like 6, 7 usually plays roles meant for Andy Garcia.. you get the idea), and I'd say I'd take Tom Wilkinson out of the list because when you're nominated for Oscars, you're no longer a nobody.

Then again, I'd take Mark Pellegrino off the list because he's too much of a nobody. I've seen a lot of his work and have never noticed him. Ok, fine, The Big Lebowski, but he's the 55th most memorable thing in there, and it's mainly the ''suit'' he's wearing and the way he's running...

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