Sunday, January 4, 2009

Funny Thing: People Are Tired Of Dying For No Reason

Weird, huh?

By now, you've undoubtedly been made aware that Israel has launched yet another attack on the Gaza Strip for the Holidays, a Boxing Day Special, if you will.

Part of their usual ''attempt to defend themselves'', these strikes are explained as being retaliation for members of Hamas shooting rockets into Israeli territory, which had caused 4 deaths. The death count on the other side has surpassed the few hundreds now, the injured are in the thousands, too many to count, and because Israelis are targetting police stations and hospitals as well as pre-determined 'terrorist harbors' - and they are still running after apparently very specific people that they cannot seem to find.

Which makes me think of two things... first: while they're at it, maybe they should keep an eye out for Osama Bin Laden...

Also... we should change the rules for cases like these to prevent ''accidental genocides'' as collateral damage, something along the lines of asking the invading/attacking country for a prelimiray list of suspects they intend to capture or ''accidentally'' kill, with a secondary list of perhaps a dozen more 'bonus' targets that they don't know names of but have a vague task description of what they do and how they could be a threat to your country and have it all be U.N.-approved - then they could be allowed a 10-to-15% margin of error on the total amount of kills; if they go over it, too bad, be more precise next time, and you're booted out of the country for at least 3 years.

I don't know. But they have to find a way to keep civilians out of it; it should be the goal of the 21st Century, to keep civilians out of wars. And leaders who order wars should be obligated to be right behind the front lines, too, like the leaders of old (Napoleon, good to remember you), and take direct responsibility for their stupid decisions.

Another thing: I went to a rally/march/protest last Sunday to show solidarity for the people of Gaza and Palestinians in general but quickly left it because it was getting too heavy, too intense. I was enjoying some of the metaphores used both vocally and on posters, such as ''You Can't Fight Terrorism With Terrorism'', but it seemed that for every street corner we were passing, the discourse was becoming more and more direct, violent, racist; going from ''Israeli Terrorists, Stephen Harper Accomplice'' to ''Jews Are Terrorists'' was not going to help anything, and I jumped ship right away.

We're in 2009 according to the Gregorian calendar. We have 5000 years of evolution, at least, from living to 25 years old, naked, hunting for our food, and having no manners. Women are treated as equals in most places, we're working on racism, we can write and count and invent things. We're also bordering on being too many, we can't even feed everyone decently, but at least we cry when we see starving children on TV.

And we're still fighting over the tiniest piece of fucking land that an imaginary being in the sky promised to two peoples. Take a quarter, have a draw; best of three. ''Winner'' gets to stay put in the desert. ''Loser'' gets Labrador, tons of readily available water and usable soil, a view of the ocean, and free winter jackets - decent compensation for losing God's gift.

We're all going to die anyway. There should be no fucking reason to make it quicker for some on purpose.

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