Monday, April 18, 2011

You Cannot Petition The Lord With Prayer

In the land of the bind, the one-time mantra is the king.

A vast majority of people turn to prayer when all else fails, even many atheists.

Last week, Thursday I think, an old man rang my doorbell, selling these cards of Blessed Anne-Marie Taigi, patron half-Saint of wives and mothers. I was in a good mood, so I immediately thought to myself ''sure, I'll give you a buck or two'' while the man was telling the cards had been blessed by a priest, that he was collecting funds for a women's shelter and so on, all noble causes, and the whole time I was thinking ''yeah, man, you made your sale, I'll give you a buck or two'' and then he said he was asking for $3 for the card, and that they'd already amassed $7800.

A quick mental calculation to make sure 7800 was divisible by 3, then I said ''alright, I was expecting 1 or 2 bucks, but I'm in a good mood, here's three''. And it felt right.

The next day, I went to purchase lottery tickets with the card in my jacket; I wanted two tickets, but the machine sold me 4, and I thought maybe the Lord was giving me a sign to pay more of these voluntary taxes for a better shot at winning. Well, no, I didn't, but I went along with the mistake anyway and paid double what I had intended for research's sake.

Turns out I didn't win anything. I was even wearing the card (in my hoodie's pouch) when I looked up the winning numbers, just in case.

And so the immortal words of wisdom of Jim Morrison came to mind:

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