Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fall Of DVDs

So... are DVDs dying an early death?

According to Julia Boostin of CNBC, the numbers are way down, and it can't be blamed on the high definition discs (Blu-Rays), because they're still just a fringe percentage; they also can't be blamed on illegal downloading because broadband capacities just aren't there yet (and, especially in North America, internet service providers are capping most people, so it'll soon become more expensive to download stuff than just purchase it...).

So who's to blame?

In my French-language blog, I often write about the decline of quality in movie entertainment, as many theaters are closing their doors for lack of profits, blaming the media, the internet, the current economy, DVDs, the movie-going public - but never admitting that reserving six different screens in the same complex to such crap as Transformers 2, despite its genius casting of Hottie Of The Moment Megan Fox (yup, I plugged her in here again - and to think I'm not even a 'fan'! - then again, it seems even the film crew wasn't) is an obvious sign of a future downfall.

Whatever. I own a ton of DVDs and have hours of entertainment at home - enough to last me until the end of my life, possibly. So even if they stop making them, I'm taken care of.

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