Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Think Disney Will Stop Making Bad Movies?

I don't.

Because their market researchers will likely blame the movie's name, the director will blame the lack of high-end acting talent, the screenwriters will blame the director and no one will admit to having spent $250M on a shitty movie, a re-hashed Gladiator with bits of Ghosts Of Mars incorporated into it.

But John Carter is, officially, the biggest flop of the year. Maybe the biggest in years. It lost $150M by itself, and brought the whole Disney empire in the red by $80M for this quarter.

But that won't make Disney re-evaluate its position in the field, nor how it spends its money, nor the types of movies it funds, when it easily could take the opportunity to look into funding low-cost, high-gain indie films, which can be filmed for anywhere from $5-10M and with DVD sales alone are guaranteed to re-coup, making dozens of people from all film jobs work, rather than one of each.

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