Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Apologies

I was thinking of my past while playing Bejeweled and I got to thinking that almost every girl I've ever met upon hearing at least one of my always-spot-on observations-come-bit-of-advice has responded with the phrase ''I need you to let me make my own mistakes''.

Which they did. And those usually were a hard slap in the face.

And so I apologize.

Not to them, but to everyone else on the planet. I think that by letting those idiots repeat the same stupid mistakes every 12-year old makes just because these fools hadn't made that mistake yet, I am partially responsible for many things, chief of them the fact that as a species, we have not evolved enough in my lifetime. Looking at political discourse, actually, it can be argued we have actually regressed by many generations in the past decade alone.

I am also perhaps partially to blame for at least one Audioslave record, a terrible Michael Bay movie of your choice, maybe even one season of The Simple Life or Dr. Drew.

I should have stood up and not let those girls stop Evolution just because they had the need, inside them, to go do really stupid things. The world does not revolve around those people; those people live in our world.

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