Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Wrestling Sucks... Or Rules, Depending On Your Point Of View

Oh boy.

Last Sunday, I went out with a few friends to check out the NHL All Star Game in a pub, and as is customary for us, the heavy drinking led us to remain there longer than expected, which means we got to see the start of the WWE's Royal Rumble. What a piece of shit display of terrible theatre that was!

I think we left less than an hour into it and got our drink on at my corner dive bar instead. Except we ended up talking about how much it sucked for maybe two more hours before talking about anything else - longer than we'd watched! It was just that ridiculous!

Well, today, my friend Martin Itfor sent me this, and as far as ridicule goes, it fucking wins.

1 comment:

just me said...

too stinkin funny!!!! i've never seen anything as ridiculous as this EVER...thanks for sharing!!! LOL